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Generate DBML from SQL Database


dbdocs & dbml offer multiple ways for you to generate DBML code from your database, via db2dbml and sql2dbml commands.

Generate database documentation

db2dbml: Generate DBML from Direct DB Connection

This method connects directly to your database and reads off your database schema (usually from INFORMATION_SCHEMA) to generate DBML code.

Make sure you have dbdocs CLI installed. Then run:

$ dbdocs db2dbml postgres <connection-string> -o database.dbml

✔ Connecting to database <db-name>... done.
✔ Generating DBML... done.
✔ Wrote to database.dbml

Is it safe to allow dbdocs CLI to connect to my database? Yes

  • Everything runs on your local machine, and the database credentials are not tracked or sent anywhere.
  • The database connection is secured.
  • The code is open source from the @dbml/cli & @dbml/connector packages and can be checked here.

Supported databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, Snowflake, BigQuery.

sql2dbml: Generate DBML from SQL DDL (sql dump)

Alternatively, if you don’t have direct database connection access (or prefer not to do it), you can export a SQL DDL dump file and use the sql2dbml command instead. Learn more about it here.