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🎚️ Diagram Detail Levels

We’ve been listening closely to your feedback, and we understand how challenging it can be to work with diagrams containing hundreds of tables and thousands of columns. As a result, we’re pleased to present Diagram Detail Levels.

You can now toggle between displaying all columns, displaying only key (PK, FK) columns, or even hiding all columns, providing a global switching option for the entire diagram. Adjust the detail level to your needs, from a high-level overview of the entire database to specifics on individual tables.

This feature is immediately available to everyone. However, similar to dbdiagram, it may be moved to a paid offering when we introduce paid plans in dbdocs in the future.

We value your feedback, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions.

πŸš€ Publish database documents via dbdiagram

Many users asked us to link dbdocs and dbdiagram (our other product that allows you to draw ER diagrams by writing code) to improve the editing experience with online editing and collaboration features.

And we couldn't agree more. That's why we worked so hard to bring you our new feature: the ability to publish your database documents via dbdiagram.

In addition to editing your database definition (DBML) on your local machine and publishing it via the dbdocs CLI, you can now use dbdiagram as an online editor to quickly edit your database documentation.


  1. What happens if I update a diagram after publishing it to dbdocs? Will the dbdocs document automatically update?

    Changes to your diagram will not automatically update the dbdocs document.

  2. What if I don't already have a dbdiagram account?

    You’ll need to log in to the dbdiagram using your email address to get the project list from the dbdocs account associated with your email.

As always, we appreciate your comments and suggestions. Please give this feature a shot and let us know what you think.

🎨 Support Table Header Color and Table Group

We heard you! Table Header Color and Table Group are now available in dbdocs! These two are well-loved features in dbdiagram, and are most requested by our dbdocs community.

With this, you can add a custom color to your table headers and group tables together to better organize your data models.

Table Header Color​

Choose a custom header color for each of your tables! This allows you to differentiate between tables and create more visually appealing documentation.

To set the header color for a table, use the following syntax:

Table ecomm_core.products [headercolor: #087f23] {

Table Group​

Group tables together into categories! Keep your data models organized and maintain clean, clear documentation.

To group tables, use the following syntax:

TableGroup product_group {

These features are immediately available for everyone. However, similar to dbdiagram, they might be moved to a paid offering when we introduce paid plans in dbdocs in the future.

Give them a try and let us know what you think!

πŸ–Ό Export Diagrams as PNG/PDF

Today, our team is bringing in a new feature: Diagram Export. Users now have the option to download their diagrams as PDF and PNG files.

Simply hover on the download button at the top-right corner of diagram views, then choose either PDF or PNG as your desired format.

Feel free to show some love or feedback in the feature announcement on our community.

πŸ›  Custom Username

After registration, your username is strictly set to your email or GitHub username. The constant username could be a problem for users who need specific usernames for organizational usage.

Therefore, we’re introducing a new CLI command to change your username (as well as your organization name). From the dbdocs CLI version 0.6.4, you can run dbdocs rename and freely switch to an available username.

Feel free to show some love or feedback in the feature announcement on our community.